DCT launches R&D team based in Canada
5835 Blue Lagoon #202
Miami, Florida 33126 USA
Tel. + 1 305 809 0628

Miami, Florida – June 27, 2022 – Digital Communications Technologies (DCT), a leading fleet telematics solutions company, announced the launch of a new research and development facility named Apex Labs out of the city of Toronto, Canada. Apex Labs Inc will focus on exploring and developing solutions to enable Industry 4.0 following DCT’s vision road map. The Apex Labs team will work on projects that require a high level of technological innovation using emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to directly impact the performance of telematics products and processes.
“Long gone are the days of monitoring-only telematics, the opportunities to anticipate failure and automate responses are vast across many industries,” said Ignacio Escallon, DCT’s CEO. “The city of Toronto is well known for a thriving ecosystem of innovation and research in AI; it has a decade rich history of powering world-class telecommunications. We want to accelerate our product development efforts and help our customers tap into emerging technologies faster”.
DCT is an innovation leader within the manufacturing of intelligent IoT devices and the launch of Apex Labs will allow DCT to expand their capabilities. This is an exciting time for DCT as it continues to push the boundaries of the fleet telematics industry and brings together the brightest minds in technology, business, and development. Learn more about our innovation path here.

About Digital Communications Technologies LLC:
Since 2000, DCT – based in Miami / Florida – has been developing IoT devices and accessories for applications focused on fleet telematics and industrial solutions; trusted by integrators, service providers and fleet operators around the world. We make it simple to build and deploy Fleet Telematics from device to cloud. Our expertise in product design and development together with firmware and software makes the perfect combination to start building amazing applications. By providing a secure edge-to-cloud ecosystem we connect things and transform data into actionable insights.