Learn more about how DCT and its partners help businesses achieve their goals, using Syrus technology.

Driving Safety and Efficiency in Mining Construction Projects: How DCT’s Collaborative Integration Transforms Chilean Copper Mining
DCT PARTNER: KEY BENEFITS Real-time tire monitoring and engine data captureSeamless integration for optimized fleet performanceActionable insights from data enhance...
Cemex x Skytrack
KEY BENEFITS GPS location service and telemetryCamera installation and maintenanceSupport in the implementation of the project: Cemex GO DCT AUTHORIZED...
Medlog x Fonoamerica
KEY BENEFITS 24/7 fleet visibility & work zone georeferencingCompliance with regulations through data transmission to SUTRANIncrease in productivity, efficiency and...
Techint improves task accuracy using Syrus devices
KEY BENEFITS Notify drivers with audible in-cabin alertsReceive alerts when unauthorized parameters are exceededQualify driver performanceGuaranteed operational safety DCT AUTHORIZED...