DCT & Geotech Present: Geobolt

Latin American tracking service provider Geotech selects Syrus Smarts IoT Hub to build its security solution for container tracking.
With more than 10-years in the industry, GeoTech Colombia has chosen to partner with DCT and Syrus 3G IoT Smarts Hubs to build its innovative high-security bolt. Geobolt is the # 1 reusable state-of-the-art tracking device in the world, that prevents up to 50% of cargo theft and contamination, through which you receive notifications of opening, violation, and closing of your cargo in a timely manner.
The device uses a high-security bolt seal that is ISO 77772: 2013 compliant, making it a robust, secure, and cost-effective cargo security solution. GeoBolt is fully integrated with GeoSmart, a friendly and self-managing platform for the management and control of land and sea operations. Complies with CTPAT Standard It allows entry to international markets due to its regulations on security against terrorism and illegal trade.
The intelligent event engine configuration from Syrus 3G makes Geobolt the ideal security solution for containers that goes beyond traditional monitoring. Thanks to DCT CloudConnect managed global connectivity and the Syrus 3G penta-band module(Gemalto EHS6), the Geobolt is capable of operating worldwide.
Geobolt uses Syrus’ power-saving feature; this allows Geobolt to have a long-lasting battery life while keeping a compact size. Thanks to Syrus intelligent event reporting engine the Geobolt can change its reporting frequency depending on the configured conditions defined by time, distance, movement, geofences, battery level, network roaming status, and others. This translates into having accurate reporting while extending battery life.
About DCT
Digital Communications Technologies is the premier worldwide provider of wireless physical infrastructure devices for mobile asset management with actionable intelligence fully managed through APIs. First incorporated in 1998 after several years of research and development into the cellular wireless industry, DCT became a leading manufacturer of professional tracking / monitoring solutions based on fleet productivity and logistics information. The company’s efforts are focused on building applications to meet the most demanding requirements for commercial, industrial, and automotive market segments. DCT is innovating every day assisting users to manage and control their remote assets.
Contact Email: sales@digitalcomtech.com
About Geotech
Geotech Solutions SA, a Colombian company with more than 10 years in the market offering information technology services that transforms the logistics and transport industry, through innovative software and hardware solutions for efficient and profitable management. Geotech provides solutions for Cargo Assurance, Logistics management, Business Intelligence, Vehicle monitoring, and industrial telemetry.
With GeoSmart our clients can manage their vehicle information from anywhere and make decisions faster and better informed. Geotech revolutionizes the way organizations take advantage of the information.
Contact Email: servicioalcliente@geotech.com.co