Cemex improves processes with Easy Driver Score

Neoris, a worldwide integrator and service provider selected Pegasus IoT Cloud to provide fleet safety, compliance, logistics, and maintenance solutions to one of the top five largest cement companies, operating in all continents. Learn how the Easy Driver Score solution has helped improve driver behavior.
About Cemex
Cemex is a Mexican multinational building materials company with annual sales of US$14.5 billion and EBITDA of US$2.9 billion in 2021. They are a leader in each of their core industries: cement, ready-mix concrete, and aggregates. Strategically positioned across the Americas, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, they have trade relationships in 96 nations and employ more than 46,000 people worldwide.
The Challenge
Safety is one of Cemex’s main concerns; their website states that they “make safety a personal responsibility and hold each other accountable for safe acts and behaviors, ensuring that nothing comes before the health & safety of our people, contractors, and the community.”
Cemex was previously using generic driving reports to gather information on drivers’ performance. They would record different metrics in an excel spreadsheet, and then try to determine tendencies based on the gathered data. This approach was time-consuming and not very efficient as it required a lot of manual labor to reach the conclusions needed to improve driver training procedures and achieve the desired results.
The Solution
Safety is one of Cemex’s main concerns; their website states that they “make safety a personal But now, with DCT’s Easy Driver Score app, it is very simple for Cemex to obtain quick results on driver behavior. Easy Driver Score goes beyond, by not only analyzing the usual safe driving parameters (harsh braking, speeding, harsh acceleration, harsh cornering), but by also analyzing engine data. This way Cemex can determine certain safety behaviors based on how their trucks are being used and take appropriate action if needed.
The Cemex safety team is now able to identify the instances in which vehicles were left in neutral while descending (also known as coasting), and measure the usage of the pedal habits like engine brake; this allows them to take proactive measures to promote road safety.
Easy Driver Score is a valuable tool for Cemex. Not only does it help them gain insights into the safety of their fleet, but it also allows them to identify vehicles that are being used incorrectly and could result in a greatly reduced useful life cycle. With advanced configurations, the tool allowed instructors to improve habits like clutch timing, RPM limits, gear shifting timing, and coasting.

The Results
As a result, Cemex has greatly reduced the time it takes to score drivers, as well as the time it takes to take corrective action in response to a driver’s performance. They have also updated their driver training procedures thanks to the data they are now able to collect.
So, what does this all mean for Cemex? It means better utilization of trucks and drivers. It means less risk of a vehicle breakdown in the field. And if it happens, fewer downtime hours, all thanks to the Easy Driver Score solution. In short, it’s a better way to do business.